The Uzbekistan Trade Info, a step-by-step platform is implemented by the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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The trader should address to customs broker for qualified customs brokerage services if s/he does not have a specialist on customs clearance. Customs brokers will assist the trader in the preparation and submission of a customs declaration.
Customs brokers can also provide services in drawing up a foreign trade contract, commercial documents, and waybills, in obtaining licenses and permits at any stage of the procedure if the trader requires such kind of services.
The trader must register a foreign trade contract in the Unified electronic information system of foreign trade operations (UEISFTO). For that, the trader creates an electronic copy of this contract in software programs (i.e. E-Kontrakt 2, or VED-Kontrakt) and sends this file to the UEISFTO through the Single portal of interactive state services (EPIGU).
Commercial banks, the Ministry of investment and foreign trade, State Tax Committee, State Customs Committee and other regulatory agencies use contract’s data to monitor foreign trade operations and exchange information between traders, customs, and tax bodies.
Importer must ensure the storage of the imported goods while processing customs clearance procedures either in customs warehouses or as authorized by authorities in their own facilities if it meets required conditions for storage.
Importer should contract with the relevant customs warehouse for storing goods in its premises.
An importer of sanitary goods in a regulated list must obtain online a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion before declaring goods for release for free circulation via One-stop service system “Single window”.
This mandatory conclusion is issued by the department of the sanitary-epidemiological welfare and public health service of the republic of Uzbekistan and certifies that the goods meet sanitary requirements and are safe for consumers’ consumption.